| Kids Out and About DMV
Sun, 8/25/2024 -
Sat, 8/31/2024
Title Description
Improvcamp is a sleep away summer camp for teens who love improv! Created and run by professional comedians, Improvcamp is a dream come true for teens who love theatre, comedy, and exploring their creativity. Improvcamp is held every August and we accept teens from across North America, we'll even pick you up from the Vancouver Airport!
Breakthrough Basketball Camps
Breakthrough Basketball Camp
Breakthrough Basketball has skill development camps for all ages across North America. Come see why we're the #1 rated and largest basketball camp in the world! Average satisfaction score of 9.3/10 and the life skill we teach off the court are just a couple of the reasons why.
Summer Camp - Tea With Mrs. B - Falls Church VA
Tea With Mrs. B - Falls Church, VA
It is no secret interaction with peers is a key component to a well-rounded education. By becoming part of this small camp environment, your child will enjoy the merits of a comfortable and safe setting for social interaction, hosted by caring staff. Manners Camp is an ongoing skill building program, encouraging positive behaviors, responsibility and good old-fashioned fun. Lessons in etiquette and social graces along with arts, crafts and creative play for every age is a staple to each day.
2024 Summer Service Programs for Teens
Visions Service Adventures
VISIONS Service Adventures has set the standard for teen community service programs for more than 35 years. Participants experience life-long transformation through meaningful projects, cultural and recreation activities, and connecting authentically with others. VISIONS is also a 100% tech-free program.