Imagination Stage, Inc.

Professional Theatre - Our award winning theatre productions range from shows created for the very young (ages 1-4 yrs) to our mainstage producitons for elementary school age and up. We offer Sensory-Friendly performance as well as ASL-interpreted performances throughout our production year (September to August).
Our performances are very popular for groups and field trip opportunities with curriculum/teacher guides, workshops, and discounts.
Camps and Classes - Spanning acting and musical theatre, dance, and filmmaking, our classes are offered year-round, while camps are held each summer. Classes start as early as 18mo. for "you and me" through high school conservatory programs.
Imagination Stage provides equitable access to all programming, from added inclusion supports to peer-group access classes in order to provide the most successful experience for each student.
Theatre for Change - Using theatre productions and educational workshops to bridge cultural divides and lift up underrepresented voices, Imagination Stage’s Theatre for Change program explores complex social justice issues to help build a new generation of compassionate, collaborative children who are capable of changing the world.