You-Shaped GapsApril 23, 2020
April 23, 2020
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Fred Rogers famously reported that his mother advised him to "look for the helpers" during times of crisis. Mrs. Rogers had an excellent point, of course. But what if you want to be one of the helpers, not just be impressed by them from afar? What do you do then?
You look for the you-shaped gaps.
It's a very entrepreneurial mindset, but not a difficult one to adopt: Entrepreneurs are gap-fillers: They constantly scan the horizon looking for what's missing, and when they see a gap, they try to figure out how to fill it. The media lately has been filled with examples of regular people being entrepreneurial in this way by recruiting others to help fill the big gaps that have been reported, for things like masks. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been inspired by their efforts.
Here are some of the needs many have right now (in no particular order), even those who aren't sick: nutritious food; connectedness to others; money for regular expenses; exercise; grocery shopping assistance; childcare help; kids' schoolwork assistance; protective gear / clothing; savvy-ness about how to interpret what is reported in the media. Many are experiencing technology confusion; paperwork overwhelm; too much down time; too little down time; fear about the future. Thousands are grieving for loved ones lost to the epidemic, with no means to gather soon to honor them.
Keep these types of gaps in mind as you scan your family, friends, professional circles, and the rest of your community for what they might need, even if they haven't told you directly. Then think about whether any of those gaps are shaped enough like you that you can slide in to smooth someone else's experience during this time of hardship. Kids want to do something, too, so talk with them about what gaps they can fill. Brainstorm creative ways you can fill the gaps together. Show them how powerful they are.
Unfortunately, there are happiness gaps all over, but all you need to do is turn on your radar and you'll find many that are shaped exactly like you. You'll be surprised and pleased to discover just how expansive and flexible and beautiful that shape is... even if you're not too pleased with what weeks of sheltering in place has done to its waistline.