Making it Possible - November 16, 2023 | Kids Out and About DMV

Making it Possible

November 16, 2023

Debra Ross

My friend Annette is someone whom we in the community celebration biz call a Driving Force. Annette’s passion is art in all its forms; the successes of her professional life have been dedicated to paving the way for Latin art to gain the appreciation it deserves from the wider culture. A few years ago, she helped transform an ordinary street in our city into the colorful la Avenida de las Artes.

I've started to notice the holiday displays emerging on houses these past few weeks when I drive around at night: All those lights we bought during Covid now make our houses extra-sparkly. While some might decry the early ushering in of the holidays, I see it as akin to what Annette did, on a smaller scale. What was ordinary becomes extraordinary with a little creativity, the right equipment, and a few people willing to climb ladders while wielding staple guns.

It seems to me that there are two kinds of people in the world: those who create opportunities—who have visions and work to make them real—and those who erect obstacles. "Annettes" create opportunities, and the whole community benefits. So how do we help our kids grow up to be Annettes? One way is to help them frame their desires in terms of "what would make it possible." Instead of snapping at a preschooler when she whines for candy in the checkout line, try something like, "You know what would make getting candy possible? If you (carry in some groceries, try one new vegetable at dinner, help keep your brother amused)." Or "I know you want that new (bicycle, sweater, Xbox); let's think about how you can make that possible."

Kids then start to see the universe as something they can affect in a positive way rather than as a place where they're at the mercy of someone else's whims all the time. It also makes sense strategically for you, the adult: The earlier kids see themselves as the most important agent of their own happiness, the less their minute-by-minute comfort feels like your responsibility.
Debra Ross, publisher
Someday it will be these kids' turns to take the world by storm, and they'll do so by making the best use of these gifts they've been given, just like Annette: Voz. Presencia. Talento.
